Reduce Limiting Beliefs in Three Steps
We live in an amazing time and are afforded the luxury of opportunities to live intentional lives. There is nothing to stop us from living our dreams except ourselves. Do you know what your dream is, what your purpose is, what gets you out of bed in the morning? If you do know all that, what is holding you back from your success? (p.s. How do you define success for yourself?) Once we can target where we are and how we want to proceed, sometimes it is a mystery that we find ourselves stuck. ‘Stuckness’ can serve a purpose. It can be a necessary percolating time to learn what we need to move forward. When that percolating time has finished, it may be time to figure out what stumbling blocks we aren’t aware of. One area to explore is thoughts we have stored and accepted as true, that have become limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are many times unconscious messages that may no longer be valid or useful to us. The messages we receive come from...