
Showing posts from August, 2022

Reduce Limiting Beliefs in Three Steps

We live in an amazing time and are afforded the luxury of opportunities to live intentional lives.  There is nothing to stop us from living our dreams except ourselves.  Do you know what your dream is, what your purpose is, what gets you out of bed in the morning?  If you do know all that, what is holding you back from your success? (p.s. How do you define success for yourself?) Once we can target where we are and how we want to proceed, sometimes it is a mystery that we find ourselves stuck.  ‘Stuckness’ can serve a purpose.  It can be a necessary percolating time to learn what we need to move forward.  When that percolating time has finished, it may be time to figure out what stumbling blocks we aren’t aware of.  One area to explore is thoughts we have stored and accepted as true, that have become limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are many times unconscious messages that may no longer be valid or useful to us.  The messages we receive come from...

Stammering And Stuttering

Stammering or as it is sometimes known as stuttering is a form of speech impediment. My name is Stephen Hill and I had a stammer for eighteen years. I went to various types of speech therapy which even though was of some use, never really offered me any hope of a "cure".   At the age of twenty two, after a lot of hard work I managed to overcome the stammer and I now help other people to achieve fluency. These are the types of situation that I found that I was most likely to stammer: Ordering food and drink at a bar Phone calls Introducing people Meeting new people Talking when under pressure Talking when tired or stressed On my first day at senior school, all of the first year pupils were shown to their form room, including myself. The teacher, who was to be our form teacher, introduced himself and welcomed us to the school. He then said "OK class, I have introduced myself. I don't know any of you in here and most of you won't know each other. So what I would lik...

The Wisdom Of Uncertainty

There is really only one certainty in life. Life is uncertain. We often live as though nothing will change, but it does. This continuous battle between wanting things to stay the same and finding that nothing does stay the same creates something inside us. This creation of constant change is a movement, a force of nature, and a guiding path.  This movement within us and outside us is the spirit of living, of which, we all take part in. None of us can predict the future. This creates uncertainty on the human level, yet we all learn to trust and even welcome change in the deepest part of who we are. No one is perfect, we wake up each day with the opportunity to create something different in every moment. When we come to expect the unexpected, we are beginning to trust in a wisdom greater than knowledge to lead us through each day. Religious communities call this the path of God, science calls this higher consciousness, but for our purposes - let's call this the path we were meant to ...

Why You Need To Find A Role Model

By:  Ivan Cavric Mark Twain once said, “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too, can become great.” True role models generate motivation. He or she proved that it could be done. And if he can do it, so can you.  Reading about how someone else achieved success creates beliefs in you that your goal is possible. It energizes you. Successful people have role models. Here are a few examples: Arnold Schwarzenegger found his role model, Reg Park, in a bodybuilding magazine. Reg was the most powerful person at the time, and Arnold dreamed of having huge muscles like Reg's. Arnold learned everything he could about Reg: his training routine, his diet, his lifestyle. The more he learned about Reg and followed his example, the more Arnold realized it was possible for him to become like Reg. (Source: Unstoppable by Cynthia Kersey) Pete Sampras. Born in 1971, tennis great Pete Sampras grew up id...

Your Voice Print

By:  Ivan Cavric Mountains are built one pebble at a time and climbed one step at a time." This is a quote of mine that I personally put into practice each day as I progress towards fulfilling my WHY in life. The word pebble in this quote means that each action you take needs to be productive toward building your mountain of success. As I was retrieving a message today from someone who called me, I had to play the message 5 times to finally understand the phone number he left for me to call him back. We have always heard the smallest things – the pebbles - in life are the most important. Well, this week's tip from me is the importance of the quality of your phone messages, which I call your voiceprint. When you leave a voicemail message for someone, it is your "voiceprint." It may sound a little crazy that my motivating tip for the week is "How to Leave a Message”, but I'll bet that numerous people right now can relate to this. Everyone has had someone who c...